How to sign up and create a free Mountain Trade Network (MTN) Account

Sign up to MTN ( with a free account. Include your name, email, address, password and submit. When you log on to the platform, update your personal profile so other members can search for you.

Upgrade to Premium Membership for full benefits including direct messaging other members, adding content to the Press centre, jobs board and industry calendar updates and able to attend virtual events on the MTN platform. Visit

How to log on and complete your MTN profile as a Premium Member

To complete your profile, make sure you are logged on to the platform. Click on MTN Platform and you’ll be taken through, where the URL has changed to

If this is the first time you are logging on, you will be prompted to add tags – the more you include, the easier it will be for other members to find and search for you.

Then once you click through and are on the MTN platform, top right of the page, you will see a small drop down arrow – this is where you can complete your profile.

Click on Personal Settings, and here you can:
Edit your personal information and description – including profession, your level, personal description
Change your Profile Photo
Change your Cover Photo

Go back to the drop down arrow and you’ll see ‘Email Notifications’ – this is where you set the emails you would like to receive for when the Meetings Manager for events goes live. It’s best to keep the email notifications set to ‘Yes’ so that you do not miss any correspondence.

How to pre-schedule a meeting for virtual events and respond to a meeting request

To search and pre-schedule meetings on the MTN platform for LISTEX & SASTEX Virtual, first make sure you’re logged onto the platform. From, input your email address, password and click on MTN platform here – or down here. You’ll be taken to the platform where all meetings for events are pre-scheduled.

Once on the platform, to see who is attending the event and possible to pre-schedule meetings with, head to the Members section on the top navigation and then tick MTN event Virtual on 7 & 8 May. Then filter on the type of company you would like to meet with – whether tour operator, travel agent, resort, hotel, accommodation etc.

Here I have selected Tour operator and travel agent, then Click into their profile on Request a Meeting, and ‘Request a meeting’ on their profile at an available time which will show for both of you. You can add a message too and introduce yourself.

To check and view all your meeting requests, when you are logged on, go to My Meetings from the top navigation. Here you can see incoming requests which you either accept or reject (with the option to add a note), and any cancelled request.

You can also suggest to reschedule the meeting if the time doesn’t work, reject or accept the meeting and it will slot into your calendar.

It’s really important to keep on top of your meeting requests – as the platform will wait for you to accept or reject meetings in order for it to open up for someone else.

In the My Meetings section you can also receive a pdf of your calendar emailed to you – click on the printer icon here, select the event meetings you want emailed to you

To make sure you receive all your meeting notifications by email too, Go to Personal Settings, the top-right drop-down arrow, and click on Email Notifications. Make sure they are all set to yes – this ensures you receive requests, acceptances and any cancellations which would then free up your calendar for more meeting options.

If you are unavailable at certain times to meet with other attendees at LISTEX & SASTEX you can block out your calendar to avoid getting meeting requests. Go to Personal Settings, the top-right hand drop down arrow, My availability and then select the blocks you can not make and click save.

How to upload a press release, industry event and company job vacancy as a Premium MTN Member

A great benefit of Premium MTN membership if the option to share your company news and updates, vacancies, events listings, press releases to other members. To upload a press release, make sure you’re logged. Input your email address, password. You’ll be taken to the dashboard.

To view the press centre now you are logged on, click on Press Centre here. You can read all the latest industry news, and also upload your press information here by clicking on Add Press Article. Input the release, supporting images, documents and links and click Submit.

Alternatively return to the dashboard and click on Add Press Release.

From the dashboard you can also Add an Industry Event as a premium member. And if your business is looking to recruit new team members, you can add an Industry Job here. You’ll be taken through to this page – input all information and click Submit.

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How to access MTN Research and Insights on the platform – CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO

To access our MTN industry research and Insights, available to you as a Premium Member, first make sure you’re logged onto the platform. Input your email address, password and then click on MTN platform.

Once on the platform, visit Resources and Recordings, and then click on All Opportunities. Here it will default to the most recent Reports we have on the platform. Click into it and you will find the recording of the research and you can also download the deck.

You can also use the filter tool, to search on market research will brings up all out MTN industry research to date

How to access MTN Research and Insights on the platform – CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO

To access our MTN industry research and Insights, available to you as a Premium Member, first make sure you’re logged onto the platform. Input your email address, password and then click on MTN platform.

Once on the platform, visit Resources and Recordings, and then click on All Opportunities. Here it will default to the most recent Reports we have on the platform. Click into it and you will find the recording of the research and you can also download the deck.

You can also use the filter tool, to search on market research will brings up all out MTN industry research to date

How to Find, Search & Direct Message other MTN Premium Members – CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO

There are several ways to direct message other Premium Members on the MTN platform. Make sure you are logged onto the platform by going to log in – and then to the MTN Platform or down here.

Once on the MTN platform, if you know the name of the person, head straight to the email icon at the top right of the page, then click on the pen to start a new conversation. Start typing to find them and their name will appear and off you go. Enter the subject and at the bottom, start writing your message.

If you want to search all members to narrow down who you are looking for and send a message, go to the Members tab at the top, then you can search for the person you are looking for if you know their name.

Or you can filter on a number of different criteria by person, including Destinations, Accommodation, Tour Operator/ Travel Agent, media, professions and more. Once you have found them, Click on the email icon top right of their profile shot. And it will take you through to messaging.

Or go into their profile to find out a bit more about them, and click message at the top.

If you know the company they work for, you can filter on Company, see who is working at the company – then click on the email icon on their profile.

If you know the person is going to one of the events you are also attending, for example LISTEX or LISTEX Luxury, go to Events and then filter on the events, and find the person who will come up in alphabetical order.

How to find and search for other members on the MTN Platform – CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO

To find and search for other members on the MTN platform, first make sure you’re logged onto the platform. Input your email address, password and click on MTN platform.

Now you are on, visit Members at the top of the navigation – there are 100s of members so if you don’t know who you are looking for, filter on the type of member profile you would like to view. Filter options include Destinations, Accommodation, Tour operator and Travel agent, Retail, B2B Services and more.

You can also find and search for by filtering on the Events they are attending. In the Members area filter on the events you are going to. Filter on for example our Virtual event, LISTEX in October, or LISTEX Luxury in June to see which other premium members will be joining you.

Or search for a member by company first – are the top of the page switch to the Company search option. Here the list of companies is brought up – click into the company, for example the 3 Zinnen, scroll down the company page and you will see who works there. If you click into their profile, you can now message them by clicking on ‘Message.’

Additional MTN services available to Premium Members – CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO

Premium Mountain Trade Network members also have access to other MTN services at an additional cost. To give you an idea of the extra services the MTN team can provide, have a look here under Other Services on

We can organise and help run your own private virtual or live events using the Meetings Manager on the MTN platform, conduct market research on your behalf, PR campaigns, Go to Market strategy, Media buying, recruitment, and help with your company’s sustainability plans. Just get in touch with the MTN team – for more information.

Other Services

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